Schedule a Roof and Siding Inspection Roof damage is the most frequent structural loss caused by hail and windstorms. As a property owner, it is a good idea to have your roof and siding inspected. If there is any previous damage or weak spots, you will want to have these […]
Assurance on Insurance: a Public Adjuster’s Blog
115 posts
A good fence can do wonders for a house. However, we all know that some DIY projects do not urn out as perfectly as we imagined in our heads. Building a fence is no different. Building a fence may seem straightforward, but it is not. If done incorrectly it can […]
Sometimes homeowners are gifted expensive item(s) that they know could be covered by their insurance policy but are unaware at how much the item(s) cost. In this instance it is recommended to get the item(s) appraised. However, most homeowners do not know how to get their item(s) appraised. There are […]
When people think of bats they often think of diseased, blood sucking pests. However, only a small percentage of bats carry rabies and they are a crucial for insect control, pollination, and seed distribution. That doesn’t mean that anyone would want to have one in their house. Bats usually don’t […]
It is always important to know how to turn off utilities within a home. It becomes even more important when emergencies occur. Natural Gas Natural Gas leaks are very dangerous and so everyone within a house should know how o shut off natural gas. The gas lines can also be […]
Fifty percent (50%) of cooking fires are caused by grease, fats, or oils. When cooking fires occur, most homeowners panic and do the first thing that they think of. Pouring water on the fire. However, this is not the correct course of action to take with a cooking fire caused […]
Gutters are an integral part of a home because they direct water away from the home. However, if the gutters are clogged with debris then they cannot do their job and thus might cause damage to the home. What Damage can Clogged Gutters Cause? Water Damage – While properly working […]
Spring is a time of warm weather, rain, and ice melts. Its during this time of year that homeowners should be aware of the interior and exterior of their home so as to prevent flooding from spring weather. Here are some tips to follow to prevent flooding in the spring. […]
Insulation is an important part of a home. However, in most cases homes do not have enough insulation, and in some cases have no insulation at all. Because insulation is often hidden behind walls and or in places they frequently do not go in a home, homeowners often forget that […]
Out of all of the roof types the flat roof is the most controversial. It is mostly used on large buildings, outbuildings, and on Philadelphia twin and row homes The flat roof has its own challenges and needs. However, there are some pros to having a flat roof on a […]