Insurance policies are akin to a complex piece of machinery. Every element of the policy and all of the contracts therein work as a system; when one part of the machine falls out of place or breaks, the entire system falls to pieces or simply stops working altogether. With homeowners […]
Assurance on Insurance: a Public Adjuster’s Blog
115 posts
Insurance companies often have a reputation for discovering ways to avoid compensating policyholders after property damages occur. A lot of policies are actually written with a number of exclusions, contingencies and clauses that help insurers slip out of their obligations to pay a claim. Here are aa few reasons why […]
Staying positive after experiencing property damage certainly ain’t easy…Let’s say a broken tree branch fell on your new addition during a summer thunderstorm. Or maybe frozen pipes busted in the middle of winter, violently spewing freezing cold water all over your living room. Perhaps some of the siding that you […]
Whenever individuals suffer a loss to their home or business it is a devastating event. The insurance companies do whatever they can to make it harder on the claimants. It was so disturbing and disgusting to me that I became a public adjuster over twenty years ago to fight the […]
If you’ve filed an insurance claim, and it didn’t go quite the way you had imagined, you’re probably feeling frustrated. We get that. But, you might as well just forget about it now, because all is said and done, and the claim is rejected or closed, so there’s nothing you […]
In terms of material losses, water damage is one of the potentially worst and most frightening things that a homeowner has to worry about. As a term, “water damage” covers quite a lot of ground, and because of that, the actual damage it causes as well as the restoration costs […]
Wintry conditions including temps in the teens and near zero continue to pass through Southeast Pennsylvania. That said, it’s likely that the cold weather, heavy winds and various forms of precipitation have already caused significant property damage for many property owners throughout the region. If you’re a home or business […]
When the winter ground begins to thaw from warmer temperatures and become more saturated from the new season’s rains, the rainwater from these rains cannot be easily absorb into the ground. The next place for water to go, essentially waiting to be filled up, is your basement and water damage […]
Your pipes are at risk every winter from the cold weather and other factors. As water freezes, it expands, causing damage to water pipes that are exposed to the elements or poorly insulated. If you have pipes that are exposed to the outdoors or extreme cold over the winter, ensure […]
Insulate Windows If your windows have any leaks, this will drive up your energy bill but by reducing drafts, you can lower your energy costs by up to 15-20% per year. Here are few simple products to help your windows quickly and without the high costs. Shrink filmV-seal weather strippingRope […]